Sunday, June 15, 2014

Another catch up post.

Well one of Ma’s Rhubarb plants didn’t come up and I got the blame. Never fear Dad’s best friend’s divorce will be final tomorrow and I worked out a deal with Kurt. He is going to be letting Mom dig up his Rhubarb when she go’s to get the canning jars. Problem solved. The mater and pepper plants are growing nicely. Ma lets me go off leash in the fenced in garden, I promised NO MORE fertilizing the plants.

Ollie and I also have been supervising the putting up of the new/used pool. Mom said that we have to let my nieces Mary and Sara use the pool that was part of the deal. The “ladies” are getting excited to try it out also, Grandpa said that they MUST have life vests before they will be allowed to go swimming. Mom found a couple of like new one’s at “Vinny’s” for a couple of bucks a piece. She is still looking for Kat sizes for Ollie and me. I think I’ll pass, the pool is 18’ x 48” way too big and deep for this kat.

Looks like I am going to the Midwest Vintage Trailer Rally again this year. Ma made the reservations a couple of weeks ago. Dad said we are going a day early this year. We are not sure if Ollie is going this year or not.

Well off to take a nap before Ma and I go out and weed the garden. Sunday is a good day to putter around the garden because of less traffic and semi’s going by. Oh and train’s also. They totally re-built the tracks past our house and now we got lots of trains that go faster than they did last year. I HATE loud trains. I also don’t believe Mom and Dad when they tell me the train is 1” closer to the house than it was yesterday. Jez Louise I wasn’t born yesterday!

Oscar the Kat

P.S. I can't believe that Ma posted the picture of me during my shower ritual.

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