Friday, February 1, 2013

6 Months Old Today

Wow! It’s hard to believe that I am 6 months old today. Dad said that I still have a lot of puppy in me yet. Mom also decided that one of my daily chores is to patrol the pantry for mice. IF and when I catch any she told me that I should bring them to dad NOT her. I wondered why last week she asked me if I was part Mexican? It seems that the mice had gotten into a package of soft tortillas and ate a whole chunk of them. This morning she noticed a brand new package of brown sugar that she just bought with the corner chewed off and a bunch of little black turds. I’m not sure just how I am supposed to catch said mice because my furry mom died before she could teach me how to be a good mouser. Guess I should Google it.

Anyhoo… The weather has been cold, windy and snowy around here. Mom and I have been doing a bunch of sewing and crafting. Spring could not come soon enough for us. We are ready to start camping season. Just this morning dad mentioned that we should be thinking about yard camping one of these weekends. Mom said she that all she would have to do is level the '53 Zollinger and fill my spare litterbox and we could be ready. Dad said that all he would have to do is fire up his heater and he would be ready. Maybe if the weather is nicer next weekend mom and I will go down and set up her camper.

I am getting a little bit too big for my bed. I remember the day that I stole it and the afghan as my own. I could barely get into it when I was a little kitten. This is also the bed that mom and dad bring for me when we go camping.

Oscar The Kat

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