Sunday, August 2, 2015

Worst Trip EVER!

Man I am pi$$ed! A couple of weeks ago ma asked me what I wanted to do for my 3rd birthday. Of course I said camping because they took the ladies in April and I didn’t get to go. Little did I realize that I had to go with the Ladies and Ollie. I was good on the way up to High Cliff State Park, but Ollie had a panic attack half way there. Ma put her hand up to his carrier to soothe him and he bit and clawed her. He howled the whole way up along Lake Winnebago. Drove me nuts.

Here I am chillin' in the Airstream. Can't decide if I want in or out.

Then Ollie had the audacity to show me up. It was hot and humid the whole trip and mister happy go lucky spent his days outside lounging on rocks, catching mice, and stalking chippys. Then to top it all off the looney walks like a dog on his leash! Seriously? He walked all over that campground. Ma and pa were so proud of him. They also loved the looks on peoples faces when they realized he’s a kat. Here is the big goof and his human Lady named Zoe. I am glad to be back home and mom said that we are going to the “Midwest Vintage Trailer” rally in six weeks and I better get over it. I hope Ollie don’t get to go because that’s my gig not his.
Top it off we never did get to use our playhouse. The Ladies used it to take naps on and play in. Speaking of naps. The air is on in the house and I need a nap before we go down and unpack the trailer.
Oscar aka "grumpy Kat"

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Photo BOMB!
Checking out the Easter egg dying project. What does a kat have to do to get an egg with their name on it? I had to go to the circus last week and now I weight 13.8 pounds. The clown in charge said I gained 2 pounds in the last year and now I have to go on a diet. Crap! Ma put the hammer down on dad and said the he is giving Ollie and I too many treats. Ollie has been doing O.K. on the diet, but then again he is happy go lucky and just happy to have a roof over his head and see his "Ladies" every other weekend.
Spring is almost here! I did get to go outside a couple of weeks ago when it was nice. Soon we are going to start tearing into the Airstream and doing some remodeling before the rally this year. I am also looking forward to starting on the garden this year. Ma and the girls have been starting flowers and veggies in the green house for a couple of weeks. 

Later, Oscar the Kat

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hello. It really has been a while since my last post. Were do I start? Well Christmas was fun this year for the Ladies. It looked like Barbie threw up in the living room.

 Ollie and I also scored! We each got a large tub of Kat Treats and Ma made a whole bunch of Katnip pouches for us. Ollie open them all about a week before Christmas.
Ma and have also been working really hard to get Ava Jean Bean's quilt ready for the frame.

 I like this quilting thing! I get to chase thread, plop down and get all nice and warm and comfy. Although Ma says I keep stretching out the quilt and she has to re-tighten it a couple of days
And give Ma the hairy eye when I get kicked off after attacking the needle and thread while she is sewing. Oh well.

Oscar the Kat